Vegan Chia Porridge – Easy, healthy and delicious

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When combatting eczema and sensitive skin, it is vitally important to maximize your health. This means living a healthy lifestyle being the center focus of your life. By doing that your skin and eczema will quickly get better. In this regard, Vegan Chia Porridge is an easy way to get results in an easy and non-expensive way.

Vegan chia porridge is a healthy supplement to your diet and super easy to make as it does not need to be cooked. Just put it in the fridge for a few hours or overnight and it is done. It can do this because chia seeds can absorb water 10-12 times their own weight.

The chia seeds swell and become jelly-like, giving a consistency like other types of porridge. I season with cinnamon, stevia and a little salt. But you can decide for yourself what taste you want the porridge to have. It is only the imagination that sets the limit, as the chia seeds themselves are almost tasteless.

When the time comes to eat the porridge, you can mix in some fruit or berries. A bit of your favorite jam is also a good choice and gives a nice color.

As chia seeds are full of fiber, the porridge gives a good and long-lasting feeling of satiety. If you use stevia as a sweetener, you will get a porridge that contains very few calories. That is also why chia porridge is perfect if you want a healthy and low-calorie meal.


  • Pour 20 grams of chia seeds into a glass
  • 1 dl water
  • 1 dl oat drink / barista oat drink
  • Grated coconut
  • A little salt
  • 1 teaspoon Stevia (or sugar / honey)
  • A little Cinnamon
  • Put in the fridge overnight or just a few hours

If you want to play a little more with the recipes, here is a video that shows a lot of other combination options. Chia porrigde is also nemed “Overnight Oats”, because they are left to sit in the fridge overnight. The concept and procedure are the same as with porridge made from chia seeds alone.

However, some of the recipes are not vegan, as there is yoghurt in it, but you can just omit it or replace it with vegan soy or oat yoghurt. My favorite is Naturli’s JOE ‘KURT – NATURAL . Their fruit-flavored versions are also just delicious:-).

What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds are small seeds that originally came from South America and have now found their way into the Western diet. This is a great advantage as these seeds are full of good properties and can help add important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein to your diet.

Chia seeds are high in protein

Like other nuts and seeds, chia seeds contain relatively much protein. In addition, chia seeds are pure whole grains, as all parts of the seed are used and thus you get many of the nutrients that are found in the shell parts of the seed.

Chia seeds contain 17% protein and 9 essential amino acids. These amino acids are essential because our body cannot make them by itself, but is dependent on getting them supplied through the diet. Protein is necessary to improve and maintain our muscles, just as it gives a longer feeling of satiety. This is because protein takes quite a long time to be broken down in the intestinal system and the body also uses a lot of energy in this process. This makes it a good choice for the health- and weight-conscious person.

Chia seeds are gluten-free, making it a good choice for those who suffer from gluten intolerance .

Rich in fiber

Chia seeds contain approx. 35 g of fiber per 100 g, and is thus extremely rich in dietary fiber. In fact, it is five times as much fiber per. 100 grams compared to quinoa and corn.

As fiber is not digestible, it also gives a longer feeling of satiety and can help in the weight-loss process. Fiber also helps keep bowel movements going and prevents a hard stomach.

The high fiber content of chia seeds makes it easy to get the recommended 25-35 g daily.

Chia seeds contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids

Chia seeds contain so many of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. For that reason, chia seeds can be processed into chia seed oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are the specific type of unsaturated fat that has been shown to improve heart health and reduce inflammation in the body. It is part of the so-called anti-inflammatory diet, which has proven good for your health.

Chia seeds contain three specific fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), but are highest in ALA. DHA and EPA are the fatty acids that have the largest association with cardiovascular health.

High calcium content

Chia seeds are the perfect example of a vegan non-dairy product that is a rich source of calcium. Gram for gram, chia seeds contains more calcium than a glass of milk. Calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus are all essential for heart, dental, and bone health and can be difficult nutrients to get enough of for those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. Therefore, chia porridge can provide an alternative source of the nutrients that are otherwise found in milk and dairy products.


The magnesium content is higher than in cow’s milk. Magnesium is an important mineral that plays a crucial role in the transmission of signals through the heart and the rest of your body. It is also important for the health of your muscles, including the heart muscle. 100 g of chia seeds contain 340 mg of magnesium. The recommended daily intake is between 300-400 mg.


Like magnesium and calcium, phosphorus is a mineral that is essential for good health. It is an important part of our cell’s energy storage molecule called ATP. It is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats and works together with calcium to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy.