clear glass mug with yellow liquid on brown wooden chopping board

Boost your health with ginger tea

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When combatting eczema and sensitive skin, it is vitally important to maximize your health. This means living a healthy lifestyle is the center focus of your life. By doing that your skin and eczema will quickly get better. In this regard, ginger tea is an easy way to get results in an easy and non-expensive way.

Ginger tea is actually not a tea, but rather a hot drink where the extraction of ginger is the main ingredient. I really love this new addition to my diet, since it is a great way to boost your health and skip some of the cups of coffee during the day. On top it is really cheap and easy to make in your own kitchen. The only equipment you need is a microwave oven, a grater and a colander.

My basic recipe

  • Start by gently washing a small piece of ginger that is approximately the same volume as your thumb.
  • Use a grater to turn the ginger into a pulp and put it into a cup
  • Fill the cup halfway up with water and place it in the microwave oven
  • Start the oven at max wattage and look at the cup during the heating process
  • When you see the water/ginger mixture bubbling upwards turn off the oven
  • Reset the oven to 100 – 270 watts and set the timer for five minutes. Adjust the wattage so that the ginger only simmers and does not spill over while cooking.
  • After the simmering of the ginger mixture, drain it through a colander into your favorite drinking cup
  • Add some honey, a little sugar, or Stevia as a non-caloric sweetener

Add cinnamon, pepper, or other spices to make the drink even spicier – And healthier!

Tools for the ginger nerd

If you want to up the game of ginger tea brewing, I can recommend getting a metal tea/ginger holder. It makes the brewing somewhat cleaner and faster and works just fine in the microwave oven as well.

Health benefits of ginger root

Fights Germs

Certain chemical compounds in fresh ginger help your body ward off germs. They’re especially good at halting the growth of bacteria like E.coli and Shigellaand they may also keep viruses like RSV at bay.

Keeps Your Mouth Healthy

Ginger’s antibacterial power may also brighten your smile. Active compounds in ginger called gingerols keep oral bacteria from growing. These bacteria are the same ones that can cause periodontal disease, a serious gum infection.

Wear and tear on cells

Ginger contains antioxidants. These molecules help manage free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells when their numbers become too high.

Builds Immunity

Ginger can give your immune system the extra boost it needs to tackle the oncoming flu or to battle a full-fledged case of the common cold. It contains the biological compounds gingerol and shogaol that fight to eliminate free radicals and toxins that can cause you to get sick in the first place.

Ginger tea also contains antibacterial properties that help fight the bacteria that can cause disease. Furthermore, the spicy kick of ginger can help to loosen chest congestion that leads to coughs and soothe a sore throat by reducing inflammation. Ginger contains high levels of vitamin C and magnesium that help to kick colds faster.

Improves Respiratory System

If you suffer from allergies, drinking ginger tea can be a soothing way to relieve the respiratory effects of your allergies. Allergic rhinitis is simply an overreaction of the immune system to common stimuli. Ginger works to prevent the immune system response that causes wheezing, itchy and watery eyes and sneezing.

One of the main components of ginger’s allergy-fighting abilities is the compound 6-gingerol. This compound blocks the activation of T-cells, which are responsible for the immune system’s overreaction to normal stimuli. In a 2016 study conducted on mice, mice that received a diet containing 2 percent powdered ginger sneezed an average of 2.1 times versus the 15.2 times of the placebo group.

While there haven’t been any studies on human subjects yet, the results from animal studies have shown promise in treating allergic reactions with ginger. In essence, ginger acts as an antihistamine that can relieve nasal congestion and sneezing, making springtime and daily allergies less debilitating.

Ginger is also beneficial in supporting overall lung health and has been used for 2,500 years as a healing root. Ginger helps to eliminate mucus, clearing the airways and making it easier to breathe. It also reduces inflammation that can cause wheezing and constricted feeling in the chest and throat.

Aids in Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight faster, you may want to consider drinking ginger tea as part of your regular routine. While studies like the one published in the European Journal of Nutrition have found that drinking tea aids in weight loss in general. The reason is that ginger has special compounds that make weight loss easier.

Ginger can aid weight loss by making it easier for the digestive system to break down fats and by blocking fat absorption in the intestines. The same compounds that allow ginger to ease nausea are the ones that enable enhanced efficiency in the digestive tract.

In a review of 27 articles, most of the experimental studies proved that ginger root played a role in accelerating weight loss. While clinical studies had more limited results, the potential for ginger to accelerate metabolism and control appetite makes drinking ginger tea a good addition to a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Many people suffer from aches and pains caused by exercise or a chronic disease. Consuming ginger tea may help to ease muscle pain and joint pain associated with arthritis, menstrual cramps, and osteoarthritis. The main reason behind this health benefit is the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger root.

A study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism in 2001 showed that ginger tea aided in pain relief when it came to sufferers of osteoarthritis. The study focused specifically on knee pain and 63 percent of the 247 participants felt a marked reduction in their osteoarthritis pain.

Ginger has also shown promise when it comes to alleviating pain caused by menstrual discomfort. A University study analyzed the effects of ginger root on 120 student residents attending the university. The students who were given 500 milligrams of ginger root powder for five days showed decreased intensity and pain duration associated with cramps compared to the control group who received a placebo.

Supports Brain Health

Consuming ginger tea can improve cognitive performance in middle-aged individuals. It can also treat dementia, and can help to prevent neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. Most of these benefits have been attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties of the ginger root.

A 2011 Thai study gave 60 middle-aged women doses of 400 to 800 milligrams of ginger extract for two months while using computerized and auditory tests to monitor brain function. At the end of the study, the women who received ginger extract showed enhanced working memory and faster cognitive processing. The study also demonstrated an increased power of attention and better quality of memory.

A 2013 animal study also found a connection between the use of ginger root and reduced Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. Rats were given varying doses of ginger root extract over a period of 35 days and tested for brain function. The rats that were given more than .05 milligrams of ginger root extract showed shorter incidences of memory deficits. There is evidence that ginger consumption can have an effect on delaying the cognitive impacts of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Bioactive Components

Ginger is abundant in active constituents, such as phenolic and terpene compounds. The phenolic compounds in ginger are mainly gingerols, shogaols, and paradols. In fresh ginger, gingerols are the major polyphenols, such as 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, and 10-gingerol. With heat treatment or long-time storage, gingerols can be transformed into corresponding shogaols. After hydrogenation, shogaols can be transformed into paradols. There are also many other phenolic compounds in ginger, such as quercetin, zingerone, gingerenone-A, and 6-dehydrogingerdione.

Antioxidant Activity

It has been known that free radicals, such as reactive oxygen plays an important part in the development of many chronic diseases like eczema. It has been reported that a variety of natural products possess antioxidant potential. Foods such as vegetables, fruits, edible flowers, cereal grains, medicinal plants, and herbal infusions are chosen in this regard. Several studies have found that ginger also has high antioxidant activity.